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Zoom Meeting and Self-Sufficiency Mini Courses

“Zoom” is here to stay and there has never been a greater interest in self-sufficiency. There was a very positive response this month to the possibility of having “zoom” sessions to provide courses and instruction in self-sufficiency. We have had two trial sessions which seemed to go well so more will now be offered on the following basis:

Zoom Sessions for Self-sufficiency (date and time by agreement but 5pm start preferred)

Two options are offered (each costing £17.50 per person/couple):

  • one to one session for one hour on any self-sufficiency topic (couples count as “one”)

  • group session (up to 4 participants) for two hours based on a virtual tour of the garden

Just drop me an email HERE if you'd be interested in signing up for one of these “zoom” sessions.


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