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In the garden - May 2023


It's still very cold and mice have been munching through the sweet corn and sweet pea seedlings in the greenhouse! On the plus side most of the parsnips have germinated now and the rocket which went through the winter is providing wonderful zingy salad.

A lot of seeds have now been sown and the onion sets are just peeping out their green shoots. The plum and apple blossom is wonderful, and I've already been thinning out the fledgling crop of apricots. No sign of the potatoes yet. Salad, beetroot and spinach have been sown and the courgettes and pumpkins seedlings are bursting forth in the greenhouse.

All the ground has been rotavated and weeded twice so we are ready to go with peas, carrots, french beans and runner beans as soon as the temperature goes up. Yesterday I got the supports for this year's runner bean crop in place – it took about an hour and more than 160 yards of string!


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