It's wet in the garden and I'm struggling to find a way to barrow out the compost before getting the rotavator going again for this season's plantings.

Yes, the blossom is out on the apricot tree and very soon the plum trees and grape vine will also spring to life.
This year I plan to run a series of FREE scything workshops – both with local community groups and here at Christon Bank… so watch this space for details. This is part of my continuing mission to promote scything and show just how enjoyable and effective this skill can be. I have a new generation of strong A-frame scythes for sale (£195 or £145 for second-hand). These are made from seasoned ash with a choice of superb Austrian imported blades.
Anyone interested in these workshops should contact me via the website.
Andrew Bridgen's campaign to get the truth about covid jab safety is steadily gathering strength, as is the concern in the US (Senator Rand Paul, Senator Johnson and RFK Jnr).
The resignation of Victoria Nulan signals a significant move towards an end to the NATO sponsored war in Ukraine although the MSM are still pumping out ridiculous unrealistic propaganda and thousands of young Ukrainian men continue to die.
The UK government continues to retreat from the religion of Net Zero (on Heat Pumps, Gas boilers and EVs) and is even commissioning new gas-powered power stations.
JK Rowling continues her lonely campaign for common sense on the absurd sex and gender question.
The UK Government is slowly (and too late) realising that the threat posed by militant Islam needs to be addressed.
My most interesting new insights last month came from the long interview done by Tucker Carlson with the censorship and propaganda expert Mike Benz. I recommend all readers to check this out if they have not already seen it.
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